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Browsing Faculty of Humanities by Title

Browsing Faculty of Humanities by Title

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  • Wilson, Diane (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 2001)
    If it walks like a duck, Swims like a duck, And quacks like a duck, It may well be a chicken, .. (Paul Fuqua) The human eye can be described as a camera that takes about ten pictures every second. It telegraphs to ...
  • Schoeman, Abel Daniel (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 1995)
    SPORTFOTOGRAFIE: Waaroor gaan dit en wat is die fynere kunsies van sportfotografie? Is dit bloot 'n aksiefoto van Chester Williams wat vir David Campese klop in 'n toets teen Australie op Nuweland? Vir elke sportman is ...
  • Kuhn, Hendrik Zarlus Johannes (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 1994)
    Sportfotograwe is SODS atlete. Hulle most SODS n IDss~.akel mi.k wat pale toe skop, die refleksies van 'rl bo~ser erl die konsentrasie van 'n tennisspeler I',~. Die sportfotoqraaf se hand-cog kord1nas18 moet die sluiter ...
  • la Grange, Jeanet (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 1993)
    Close your eyes for a minute and imagine that you are on the touchline at Wembly stadium. The crowds are chanting, the atmosphere is alive with tension and all around motordrives are buzzing like a swarm of bees. Suddenly ...
  • Duminy, Sylvia Ida (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 1998)
    Die eerste hoofstuk handel oor die kamera en film wat die kwaliteit van enige kos fotografie positief of negatief kan beYnvloed. Dit sluit ook 'n kort beskrywing in van die funksies van die 4 x 5 kamera, sowel as 'n ...
  • Zietsman, Petra (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 1995)
    Since 1839 photography has been a vital means of communication and expressiOn, being at once a science and an art, both aspects are inseparably linked. It can only be through the skilled hands of a photographer that ...
  • Potgieter, Paul (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 2005)
    Still life photography started in the early 1800's, the first recorded photograph was taken in 1826. At first still life were paintings. The first still life photographed by Niepce was of a "table set for a mea/" Still ...
  • Leepo, Sello Rubben (Welkom: Central University of Technology, Free State, 2015)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the impact that the intervention strategies had on the academic performance of grade 12 learners in the Free State province. The grade 12 National Senior Certificate (NSC) results ...
  • TSHATSHU, UMZIUVUKILE JAMES (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 2016)
    In this research study the phenomenon of learners’ safety in the North-West Province schools was explored. Learners’ safety in South African schools is of paramount importance, as all over in the world, to strive to ...
  • Marumo, Jack Mathoga (Bloemfontein : Central University of Technology, Free State, 2018-09)
    Most gifted learners in mathematics fall through the cracks of inclusive classrooms as they are taught by the same methods used to teach both average and slow learners. The needs of the gifted learners are often ignored ...
  • Marumo, Jack, Mathoga. (Central University of Technology, Free State, 2018-09-25)
    Most gifted learners in mathematics fall through the cracks of inclusive classrooms as they are taught by the same methods used to teach both average and slow learners. The needs of the gifted learners are often ignored ...
  • MOKHAMPANYANE, MATSOLO MAMOOKHO CLAURINA (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 2018)
    The focus of the study is on a strategic guide to improve poor academic performance of first year Accounting students at a University of Technology. Students’ academic performance is the sole responsibility of all educational ...
  • van der Riet, R. (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 2001)
    Street photography can be defmed as a practice of soliciting subjects for impromptu portraits done on the street. The photographer trying to document the social portrait without being noticed by their subjects - people ...
  • Tlebere, Seapei Merriam (Central University of Technology, 2020-11)
    In any phenomenon, structure contributes in interpreting or analysing it. Society is a structure, which consists of many elements that brings forth the functions of each participants or individual living within it. Therefore, ...
  • Sonnekus, Stefan (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 1999)
    This script is an anthology of an extremely broad subject, by which the author tried to narrow it down by focusing specifically on still-life photography in the studio environment. Highlights regarding the evolution of ...
  • Beukes, Johannes Andreas Gerhardus (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 2014)
    The goal of the education system is to increase cognitive capacity, competencies and skills such as acquiring new knowledge, recalling facts and figures and applying this information to reasoning, understanding and solving ...
  • Van Zyl, Sanel (Central University of Technology, 2020)
    Due to the various roles, extra ordinary high workloads, the stressful nature of the teaching profession, coupled with a lack of support from schools, fourty percent of novice teachers leave the teaching profession within ...
  • Molefe, Moyahabo Walter (Bloemfontein : Central University of Technology, Free State, 2013)
    Many large organisations tend to focus on their external communication in order to project a positive image to potential clients. However the role of internal communication with employees has often been overlooked, although ...
  • Masoeu, Meriam Mojabeng (Welkom: Central University of Technology, Free State, 1994)
    The Education Department of Qwaqwa attach great value to quality education. The Advisory Section was therefore established to improve the standard of education in Qwaqwa. Subject advisers of said section perform a dual ...
  • Moyo, Rachel; Salawu, Abiodun (Elsevier, 2018-12-13)
    This study is a quantitative survey of communication media preferred by smallholder farmers resettled under the Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) in the Gweru district of Zimbabwe. Data were gathered using a ...

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