This is quite a broad subject to look at. Documentary obviously
meaning to document something or somebody. In other words, it
deals with the natural history of man. Archaeological, industrial,
travel, social behaviour etc. So, then you should be able to call your
holiday pictures documentary photographs. Well, it is not that
simple. Documentary is basically split into two forms. The one being
socially motivated and the other politically motivated. l
We walk down crowded streets interacting with other human beings
every day. So few of us however, take notice of the other nervous
souls that share our habitat. No one sees the middle aged men and
women who stand in the hot sun minding peoples cars for a few cents
change. These are people who were earning full time salaries a few
years ago. It may sound inappropriate to mention car watchers but,
can you imagine doing their job for a week?
No one takes notice of the haggard bundles of children flowering on
sidewalks. No one sees the hunger and pain in their eyes. It is this
that documentary photography tries to capture. Not only the pretty
family portrait, but the emotion ofreallife!2
People are blind to the corruption flooding our political sphere. No
one notices how the governing bodies that are suppose to be high
ranking officials have their cell phones cut off. Why? They cannot
pay their bills because, not even the government knows were they
have disappeared to. Someone needs to make a statement. This is
were the trusty Documentary photographer comes in. Always there to
catch the unusual and the unwary who think they could get away with
something on the sly.3
Millions of Rands in taxes disappear without trace while aged men
and women stand for hours waiting for unsure pensions. The
documentary photographer is there to capture the hope and despair on
their faces.
It is said that a picture is worth a thous na~~.~lSs n knows
this as well as a documentary photogra iiMf- PROPERTY
OF Photographic images have been altering people's minds and
rearranging their lives for a long time. Photographs have a swifter
impact than words. They share the power of images in general, which
have always played havoc with the human mind and heart, and they
have the added force of evident accuracy.