To even start thinking of photographing landscapes, you need
to abandon all the human elements of your everyday life and
do some soul searching in nature studding and understand all
the patterns and ways so easily overlooked by man.
It was late afternoon, I lay down under a tree to gather my
thoughts and sort out the day's work. I closed my eyes and
when I opened them I saw dead tree branches reaching out to
the sun setting in the west. The colours in the sky changed
rapidly bringing life to the branches that at first appeared
dead. I captured these moments in my mind. To explain the
emotion I experienced during these moments will never be
captured fully in a photo but I strive to perfect the art of
capturing the image I saw and the emotions combined with it.
It's very important to me as a landscape photographer not
only to photograph the patterns or the designs of nature but
to create a scene pleasing to the eye with a definite center
of attraction. The ability to sense the changes in nature
and to photograph these changes in its springing moment when
it's still fresh and unseen by most of the people passing by.
When I first started to photograph landscapes and especially
trees, I felt a bond between human behaviour and the trees but I could not put my finger on it. Because trees are so
bold and overpowering in nature the human looked at it and
learned from it without really realizing it. When you start
to compare man and a tree you see more than one similarity .
Trees most of the time grow upwards reaching out to the sky
and clouds. Just like people reaching out to the people
around , the known or unknown.