I t is one hundred and fifty Ileal'S since the birth of
photography was announced almost simultaneously by Louis
Daguerre in France and Wi 11 iam Henry Fox Talbot in
c . England. Since that time there have been many number of
break-through inventions that have changed the wOI'ld in
which we live and transformed our perceptions of it. In
the age of space travel, the silicon
conductors , it is easy to forget the
chip and super
importance of
on our lives
But the influence of the photographic medium
has been fundamental, with far-reaching
consequences in the
survei llance, the
family photography.
of science, space exploration,
press 7 advert. i sing, art and
the average urban citizen it is
inconcei vable that a day would pass by without exposure to
the photographic image in one 01' more of its varied
There have been moment during photography's short history
when the medium has played a particulal"lv vital cultural
role. These moments are the results of a combination of
many fact.ors social, political, technological and