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We are like meat, hung up, sold, bought, manipulated in every way possible. (22.22 ;
Manipulation of mankind can be compared to a marionette theatre where the human
becomes controlled by fellow humans, situations and everyday circumstances.
"Man has employed controlling devices to maintain a position of superiority over
his fellow man." (31 . 294) For centuries man has often tried to reshape
people's thinking into a line of thought in politics, religion, economics and
morals in order to gain maximum benefit for himself. The irony of this manipulation
is that even the man at the top is often controlled. This can be seen in
the case of Benito Mussolini ( 1883 - 1945). A journalist and ex-army corporal
who took over the Italian Government in October 1922, he set up a fascist Grand
Council with himself as President and ruled as dictator calling himself II Duce
(the leader). He ruthlessly crushed his opponents using imprisonments, torture
and banishment as weapons to bolster his power. Relentless as his measures
were, he instilled national pride, created confidence and increased prosperi ty.
Mussolini dreamed of a revived Roman Empire after the conquest of Ethiopia in
1936 and the use of Spain as the proving ground for his land and air forces. He
allied his own country with Germany and Japan which both had their own dictat
ors . Adolf Hitler in Germany dominated Mussolini and made f ul l. use of his
call. After
during the war. Mussolini adhered to Hit l er's every beck
war was declared on the United States, Italy wat brought to
brink of ruin and Mussolini was forced to resign . This did not move Hitler .
The coll apse of Germany and Hit l er at the end of the war saw the execution of
Mussolini by the Italian Partisans. "The Manipulator being Manipulated" .
No mat ter what a man's j ob is, from doctor to bus dri ver , every moment of his
li fe will be spent as a cog in a huge and sometimes piti l ess system. This canbe seen in Third World countries like the Communist-controlled African States.
Here economic growth ceases to exist and starvation becomes a major drawback.
Ethiopia is an example of this system which can exploit the human race to its
dying nation.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn ( 1918) Soviet author and 1970 Nobel i'rlze winner in
Literature had his twa major navels, "Cancer Ward" and "The First Ward" banned
because of their anti - soviet society ideals. He wrote in his book "Cancer
Ward" : "As every man goes through life he fills in a number of forms for the
r ecord, each containing a number of questions. There are thus hundreds of
li ttle threads radiating from every man, millions of threads in all. Each man
permanently aware of his own invisible threads naturally develops a respect for
the people who manipulate the threads" (31.483).
Over the centuries man has portrayed an elaborate web controlled by outside
stimuli . Most peoples' identities are in large part wrapped up in wha t they
use , own , control and consume. "Keeping up with the Joneses", that favourite
advertising theme, works because people really believe that to own more is to be
more. Individual humans are so irresponsibl~, Bggressi ve , ega-driven and
conceited that they need an absolute monarch to control their li ves. One has
onl y to l ook back at the t urn of the century and see what the appointed heads of
contries managed to prOduce. Europe boasts the playground for the man ipulators
of t waworld wars and the destruction of numerous countries. This has natputanend to the ideals of war. The cold war of the post-war years still hangs
like a bleak Cloud over the world in the eighties , with its participating "Super
Powers" forever planning their next move. The political situation has al so seen
its t all of great "controllers" playing with their countries' future . Marxism
and Fascism have a dominant role in European Politics. The artist being par t of
the mass changes of politics must have found that t hi s affected his work and
life. |
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