This study investigates mediation of learning in Grade 10 Business Studies. Mediation of learning is one of the roles that have to be fulfilled by educators in the teaching and learning situation. Learning theories that focus on teaching and learning provide insight about the study under investigation. Aspects such as teaching, learning, constructivism, mediation of learning, teaching strategies, teaching and learning through different learning theories and assessment for learning are dealt with.
A qualitative research design is employed in this study. Data is gathered through observations of Grade 10 Business Studies lessons and questionnaires completed by Grade 10 Business Studies educators. Purposive sampling is used to sample the participants for this study. Ten schools in the Lejweleputswa district and ten Business Studies educators from these schools are sampled. Data is analysed qualitatively and emerging trends are reported on and interpreted.
Observations in the study indicated that most Grade 10 Business Studies educators do not implement mediation of learning in their lesson presentations. Learners are mostly passive listeners in the classrooms. Most educators indicated that they implement mediation of learning in their lessons, although observations portrayed the opposite. Educators are in need of training to be successful mediators of learning.
Conclusions and recommendations are made regarding mediation of learning in Grade 10 Business Studies classrooms.