This study is based on the field of education which explores the nature and prevalence of gang related violence on learners in secondary schools in Lejweleputswa district. Therefore, the aim of the study was to undertaken to demonstrate that learners at secondary schools in the Lejweleputswa district experience different forms of violence of which gangsterism is mostly feared. The Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems theory was discussed in order to understand the manifestation of gang violence on learning and teaching in secondary schools.
In order to achieve the aim of this research study a mixed methods research design was employed, using quantitative and qualitative research approaches. In the quantitative research, 241 learners from grade 8-11 participated using a closed-ended questionnaire and in the qualitative research two focus groups of 16 learners (8 each per focus group) participated. Furthermore, the research study used document analysis in the form of school incident logbooks, learners’ school code of conduct on learner discipline triangulated against the South African Schools Act, 84, 1996 and the South African Constitution, Act 104, 1996. Data for quantitative analysis was used by means of inferential statistics in order to explain patterns of responses of learners in relation to different sections of the questionnaire that they responded to. Data was collected through closed-ended questionnaires was analysed by the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) with the assistance of a qualified statistician. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Data collected by the use of quantitative was further subjected to a Pearson correlation test to establish the strength of gang related violence on learners on dependent variables such as, fear of physical threat, personal property being stolen, being assaulted, and etc. Thematic analysis was used for the qualitative data. The qualitative data was used to triangulate the extent to which prevalence of gang related violence is a threat to learning and teaching as well as the physical and emotional well-being the learners.
The findings of the research established the following: there nature of gang related violence exist in schools and around the school premises. Gang related violence in school is influenced a number of factors such as lack of physical security at the schools, and easy access to drugs such as alcohol. Vandalism of school property is noted by learners as having impact on learning and teaching. Prevalence of gang who are mainly juvenile are rampant and identified by learners using different names, implying territorial gangs. The research study recommends that schools, police and parents should work together to fight against gang related violence in schools.
Keywords: Gang related violence; Ecological Systems theory; Education; Safety and security; the Constitution, Vandalism.