Accounting is a form of communication, or the language of economic activity
which has its own vocabular y and terminology. Accounting is thus categorised
as the mode of communicating f inancial information about business activities
and can be termed ~the language of the business world'.
Business activities present a continuous circular flow which has to be
communicated by making use of words and numbers , through the principles and
procedures of Accounting. Accounting, thus involves standard methods o f
keeping records of all financial occurrences affecting a business concern.
Modern societies expect of education to prepare young people for their
envisioned roles and responsibilities in life. Unfortunately many parents
realize that the vocational opportunities of their children are not
guaranteed, even with matric certificates and they realize that the best
alternative option would be to start a family bus iness.
Commercial subjects were introduced into schools with the primary aim of
I complementing vocational training and these subjects could be specifically
useful t o those aspiring to run a business .
Unfortunately, very few learners offer Accounting as a matric subject. The
compl aint concerning the subject is that the content taught at school is too
theoretical and far-removed from Accounting practice. Beginner teachers are
also faced with a dilemma that they virtually have no experience of the
practical implementation of Accounting. Present research is intended to be used by teachers in school context for
Grade 8 to 10. The purpose of this research is to attempt to motivate more
learners to take Accounting with the intention to teach this subject.
Research methodology includes a thorough literature study in order to
facilitate understanding of the research problem. This study focuses strongly
on Action research as component of the qualitative method of research.
Questionnaires were u tilized to ascertain what problems are experienced in the
teaching of certain facets of Accounting. Interviews were also made use of
to obtain information from key people.
It is concl uded that teachers need assistance to teach Accounting. Innovative
Accounting Teaching is designed to assist teachers with the implementation of
the subject in a practical and easy-to-interpret way and could be used by
student teachers, novice teachers as well as seasoned teachers .