The object of the research was to determine the relationship between the quality
of family life and employee satisfaction (i.e. the relationship between conflict and
tension in the family, and job satisfaction).
To achieve this goal, information was gathered by determining whether the
characteristics (e.g. the circumstances which cause tension) in one walk of life
(e .g. a family) influences the level of satisfaction that is associated with another
walk of life (e.g. work). It is important, because work and happiness within the
family are directly and mutually related. This is the reason why tension in the
family (e.g. marriage conflict) affects job satisfaction, via family satisfaction, and
vice versa.
Employees find it necessary to handle their career in relation to their general
quality of life. Increasingly it is realized that success does not guarantee
personal happiness. Some people who are successful in their professional lives
are frustrated in, and estranged from their family lives.
For many people it is difficult to face, handle and confront family problems.
Marriage problems, the ending of a relationship and the educational problems
children experience, are examples of relationship problems that mutually affect
the relationship between family life and job satisfaction.