The research focused on the role of the capacity, skills and knowledge of School Governing Bodies
(SGBs) in the democratisation of public schools situated in KwaCeza Circuit- one of the circuits in KwaZulu-Natal
province. The research methodology used could be described as qualitative, exploratory and descriptive in nature.
Stratified purposive sampling was used to select participants who were selected according to preselected criteria
(that is, being SGB members) relevant to the research questions. Data were collected by means of two focus groups
interviews, one involving the principals of the schools and the other the SGB members of the same schools. An
analysis of the data revealed a number of challenges which SGBs in KwaCeza Circuit experienced. Amongst others,
one challenge was that parents had limited knowledge of their roles and responsibilities, with the result that school
governance of the school became adversely affected. That implied that some of the SGBs would have to be
trained to be functional.