The Karoo is a semi-arid region situated in the centre of South Africa. Comprising nearly 40% of South Africa’s land surface, it attracts more and more tourists due to its unique landscapes, people who inhabit it and fauna and flora. It straddles four provinces and five District Municipalities.
Unlocking the full tourism potential of the Karoo is inhibited by the fact that this large area is managed by the different provinces and the different district municipalities – each with their own agenda for tourism development. The Orange River roughly forms the northern border of the Karoo. It comprises the Upper, Middle and Lower Orange River sections. This study focuses on the Middle Orange River and aptly names it the Karoo Riviera due to its yet unlocked tourism potential.
The study area is divided by three provinces and three district municipalities – each with its own focus on tourism. In order for the study area to maximise its full tourism potential, the three provinces and district municipalities need to cooperate and focus on one single goal for tourism development. By coordinating their efforts and financial resources, the Karoo Riviera can grow to be one of the biggest tourist attractions in central South Africa.
The aim of this study is to identify key factors for tourism development in the study area and draw up a tourism development plan to indicate how tourism can be developed and marketed. The research has indicated that currently no cross border cooperation is in place. The study proposes that cross border cooperation should be embraced whilst a Karoo Riviera Destination Marketing Organisation (DMO) should be established. The role of the DMO will be to act as “driver” for the implementation of the tourism development plan. Furthermore, the study emphasises that buy-in and support should be coerced from the public and private sectors, respectively.