Execution of the project entailed the development of a simple inexpensive sun
collector system with energy transfer to a heat pipe, as well as the development of an
appropriate heat pipe for the transfer of the collected heat.
A cheap, simple sun collector,with an output of approximately 150 W, had to be
Water was used as the working fluid of the heat pipe which operated between 20°C
and 200°C. The heat pipe was made of copper.
Although the sun collector was made as cheaply as possible and the tin plate did not
have a high finish, the collector still performed well. The collector delivered a
maximum of 206 watt and a maximum temperature of 406°C was measured.
Atmospheric conditions had a great influence on the output of the collector.
Good results were obtained from the heat pipe. The efficiency of the heat pipe in the
horizontal position was 79,5%. With the evaporator below the condenser the heat
pipe obtained the highest efficiency of 96% due to the gravjtational effect. About 80
watt was transferred at 200°C.