The P.U. (Pasteurization Unit) recorder is an instrument used to measure the temperature
variation and conditions dwing the pasteurization of packaged beer. It is effectively a data
logging instrument used for quality control in the beverage brewing industry. The P. U.
recorder is unique in the sense that it has to do measurements and complicated calculations
in very harsh humid temperature conditions while providing a PC intetface in order to
download data to the factOIY MIS (Management Infonnation System).
The project is aimed at developing a new improved and customized instlUment that could
replace an imported product used in the SA brewing industly. Furthermore, this product has
the potential to penetrate intemational markets. Although the development is focused on the
design and implementation of electronic hardware and software, it also includes a uuique
mechanical design of the instlUment enclosure anangement.
Pasteurization is the process applied to a beverage product (in this case beer) to obtain
sterility and micro-biological stabilization [15]. In this process, heat is applied to a product
in a container in order to killllllwanted bacteria and micro-organisms that impair the flavour
and shelf-life of the product. A product that is pasteurized can be stored at room
temperature in a warehouse with much longer shelf-life than nonnal products.
In the brewety, pasteurization of packaged beer is accomplished by moving the beer
containers on a wide' conveyor through a tlIllnel pasteurizer [2]. The container line moves
slowly th.rough different compartments where water is sprayed over them. In each zone,
nozzles spray water with specific zone temperatures over the beer containers. The beer
containers move through the pasteUlizer on the conveyor, and are subjected to a sequential range of temperature zones which conelate with the specifications required by SAB. Pasteurizer specifications are supplied by the manufacturers of this equipment.