The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996) and conclusive Acts analysed in this article reflects the process of local government democratization in South Africa. In this milieu, the importance of intergovernmental relations in South Africa as a determining factor in the democratization process is evident. It is further argued that the operational activities flowing from these Acts directly shape the success of intergovernmental relations. This article therefore investigates the decisive influence operational activities have on intergovernmental relations. The local government integrated development plan (IDP) in general and the specific assessment process in particular serves as an example in this research of the influence of these activities on intergovernmental relations.
This article then identifies appropriate actions and examines the contribution of important role players and government institutions to promote and facilitate intergovernmental relations in South Africa in this challenging environment. The research finally focuses on the involvement of other external institutions, specifically the Intergovernmental Institute of South Africa (IGISA), and the endeavour to support the promotion and facilitation of excellence in intergovernmental relations in South Africa.