dc.description.abstract |
Catchment response time parameters such as the time of concentration (TC),
lag time (TL) and time to peak (TP) are fundamental to design flood estimation in
ungauged catchments; hence, errors in time parameter estimates directly impact on
design flood estimates. As much as 75% of the total error in design peak discharge
estimates in ungauged catchments could be ascribed to errors in the estimation of
catchment response time. The seven different time parameter definitions available
in hydrological literature are interchangeably used when time parameters are
obtained from observed rainfall and streamflow data, respectively. As a result, time
intervals from various points during a storm extracted from a hyetograph
(e.g. effective rainfall centroid, end of effective rainfall, and/or maximum rainfall
intensity) to various points on the resultant hydrograph (e.g. peak discharge,
inflection point on recession limb, and centroid of direct runoff) are often
misinterpreted as TC, TL and/or TP. Due to the difficulty in estimating the centroid values from above-mentioned
hyetographs and hydrographs, other TL estimation techniques have been proposed
in literature. Instead of using TL as an input for design flood estimation methods, it
is rather used as input to the computation of TC. In using TL defined as the time from
the centroid of effective rainfall to the centroid of direct runoff, TC and TL are normally
related by TC = 1.417TL. In TL defined as the time from the centroid of effective
rainfall to the time of the peak discharge, the proportionality ratio increases to 1.667.
However, in contradiction, Schultz (1964) established that for small catchments in
Lesotho and South Africa, TL TC. In addition, Gericke and Smithers (2016; 2017)
also showed that TP TC at medium to large catchment scales in South Africa, but
the relevance of the TL proportionality ratio (x = 1.667), i.e. TL = 0.6TC, was not
established. The overall purpose of this study is thus to investigate and establish the suitability
of the currently recommended time parameter definitions and proportionality ratios
for small catchments in larger sub-catchment areas (exceeding 50 km²) of the
Modder-Riet River Catchment in South Africa. The focus is on the estimation of time
parameter proportionality ratios from observed rainfall and streamflow data using a simplified convolution process and the seven different time parameter definitions
currently recognised in hydrological literature.
The time parameters TC, TL and TP were individually estimated using the various
time variables obtained from observed hyetographs and hydrographs to establish
average time parameter proportionality ratios at a catchment level. The time
parameter estimates proved to be highly variable due to the spatial and temporal
distribution of rainfall events, variation in peak discharges and the distance of the
rainfall events from the catchment outlet. However, the variability in the average
estimated time parameter proportionality ratios proved to be less significant. In this
study, where TL is defined as the time from the centroid of effective rainfall to the
peak discharge, TC and TL proved to be related by TC = 1.003TL and where TL is
defined as the time from the centroid of effective rainfall to the centroid of direct
runoff, the proportionality ratio reduced to 0.992. In all the sub-catchments under
consideration, the preliminary findings of Gericke and Smithers (2014; 2016; 2017),
i.e. TP TC TL, were confirmed. In other words, it highlighted that the
proportionality ratios currently proposed for small catchments, i.e. TC = 1.417TL and
TC = 1.667TL, are not applicable at larger catchment levels.
Building upon the critical assessment of the available time parameter definitions and
proportionality ratios, it is envisaged that the implementation and expansion of both
the identified research values and adopted methodology to other catchments in
South Africa and internationally, will ultimately contribute towards improved time
parameter estimations at a catchment level. Consequently, the improved time
parameter estimations will also result in improved design flood estimations. |
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