Optimal ventilator support of a critically ill patient admitted for intensive care, requires quality control governed by scientific method. In order to reduce morbidity and mortality related to ventilator induced lung injury in a vulnerable neonatal patient, measured tidal volume (Vt) verification is of critical importance. Various built-in self testing algorithms are generally included in the modern ventilator to ensure that the equipment is functioning properly before it is connected to the patient. However, no method of verifying the accuracy of the proximal hotwire flow sensor used in conjunction with the Avea™ ventilator, has been established to ensure that the flow sensor functions within its allowed 10% deviation of specification. Therefore, the aim of the study was to evaluate the Vt on various Avea™ ventilators in order to determine an average set of Vt, making use of a specific set of neonatal ventilator settings that could be used as a benchmark against which healthcare workers can verify the accuracy of the ventilators and proximal hotwire flow sensors used in their respective intensive care units.