While Universities of Technologies (UoTs) regard the adoption of educational technology for the
creation of effective learning environments as one of their defining features, there is limited research on
these universities’ innovative use of technologies to transform their curricula design and delivery. This
research explores the extent to which educational technology has been integrated into the
implementation of new and revised educational programs under the Strategic Transformation of
Educational Programs and Structures (STEPS) at a UoT. The research employed document analysis and
interview data from middle level managers (deans), curriculum designers and educational technologists.
The findings suggest that, except for one faculty where educational technology was an enduring feature
of the design and delivery of curricula programs, technology played a peripheral role in the design and
reorganization phases although it featured more in the implementation of curricula programs under
STEPS. The paper concludes that the innovative use of technology, a holistic teaching and learning
strategy, and training of educators on technology integration are critical in achieving total integration of
educational technology into curricula programs.