The World Health Organization has given special attention within its
recommendations to the restriction of radiological diagnostic procedures on children.
Should a neonatal examination be done, the use of special lead shielding devices
and correct radiographic techniques is essential. The Alliance for Radiation Safety in
Pediatric Imaging (ARSPI) and the Conference of Radiation Control Program
Directors (CRCPD), founding bodies of the “Image Gently” campaign promote
additional training to ensure that patients receive a timely and optimal imaging
examination with the lowest amount of radiation. The primary goal of diagnostic
radiographers working in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is to produce an
image of optimal quality using an optimal exposure technique without repeating
exposures, so as to keep the neonatal radiation dose to a minimum. Thus the main
concern in this study was whether radiographers were producing optimal quality
chest images and if not, whether additional training could assist radiographers to
reach this goal in the Free State province of South Africa.
This question was addressed by a study comprising three phases. First, the neonatal
chest image quality was determined in the NICU by means of a checklist based on
and compiled from guidelines in the literature on image quality. This checklist was tested with a pilot study and adjusted as necessary. The researcher evaluated 450
images, selected through simple random sampling. The results of this phase showed
that image quality areas required improvement because radiation shielding was
absent on 98.7% of images, and collimation absent in 74.9% of images. These
results indicated that, for 74.9% of images, four sided collimation was not visible on
the image, and there was a probability of 98.7% that such an image had been taken
without radiation protection. In addition, lead markers were not utilised in the
production of 66.4% of images. The second phase of the study entailed the design and presentation of an
educational programme. The educational sessions were based on the evaluation
criteria of the checklist as well as image quality areas identified in Phase 1 as
needing enhancement. The educational sessions also referred to positioning
techniques that should be applied to ensure optimal image quality as specified by the
evaluation criteria in the checklist. After the presentation of the educational
programme, participating radiographers commented on the programme by
completing an evaluation form. Radiographers rated the educational programme as
excellent by 96.4%. A small number of participating radiographers (15 of 56
participants) suggested adjustments to the educational programme. The additional
information requested by the participating radiographers related to pathology
appearances and exposure index recorded on the image.
The final phase entailed the assessment of 450 neonatal chest images produced
after the educational programme in the NICU, using the same checklist. These
images were selected through purposive sampling. Only neonatal chest images
produced by participating radiographers that completed the educational programme were included in this phase. The purpose of this evaluation was to establish whether
the image quality had improved after delivery of the educational programme. In
general, the results from this phase showed strong similarities to the results obtained
from the first phase. However, in some areas there was significant improvement of
image quality, among which a reduction in electrocardiogram (ECG) lines
superimposed on chest anatomy (61.9% in Phase 1 to 41.8% in Phase 3), a
tendency to centre closer to thoracic vertebra four, and visible four-sided collimation
on images (ρ-value 0.002, Chi-Square test). Image quality areas with no significant
enhancement were the absence of lead markers (absent on 63.1% images in Phase
3) as well as the absence of radiation shielding (absent on 98.9% of images in Phase
3). The study, through its educational programme, had a positive effect on the following
aspects of neonatal chest image quality: collimation, centring points, and visibility of
artifacts (ECG lines). Neonatal chest image quality aspects that require further
improvement include lead markers and lead shielding. The study has shown that an
educational programme has the potential to improve neonatal chest image quality,
which aligns well with the main concerns of the Image Gently campaign.
The checklist that was designed can assist radiographers in future evaluations of
neonatal radiographic image quality. A neonatal quality control audit programme can
be implemented to encourage participation of nursing staff, referring physicians and
radiographers with the purpose to address neonatal mobile chest image quality while
optimising the radiation dose.