The literature shows that urban sprawl and rapidity in slum development is a concern in
the developing world, including sub-Sahara Africa. The purpose of this paper is to
report on the rapid growth of slums so as to provide an understanding of the associated
problems, and how these issues should inform strategies for combating the downsides
of slums. To provide more insights around slums, a case study design was used to
explore issues noted from the review literature. The study was guided by the
examination of socio-economic impact of slums located in Meqheleng in the Free State
province of South Africa. From face-to-face interviews and observations, it was
discerned that social exclusion and poor infrastructure are major issues in the studied
slums and these gaps have huge impact on liveability in the area. These observations
are evident in poor access roads, unaffordable public transportation systems and poor
housing conditions. In effect, there is a major scope for both infrastructure and social
re-engineering in the case slums.