Growing markets leads to an increase in production. In these modern industries,
weight measurement is of high priority. Weight measurement instrumentation is
used for quality control, as well as for effective process control. Ineffective
instrumentation with inaccurate data will influence the production process and
profit margins negatively.
Experimental data is gathered from an angled load cell, placed as a crossover
between two conveyer belts.
A weight measurement instrument with the ability to acquire accurate
measurement of individual, moving parts is produced with the aid of DSP
techniques. This was accomplished by analyzing the frequency spectrum for the
undesirable signals with the use of Wavelets transformations (WT) and Fourier
transformations (FT). After these undesired signals were identified a digital filter
was designed to remove the undesired signals.
Repetition of performance is achieved by the automatic zeroing of the instrument
after every individual measurement.
This weight measurement instrumentation also has the ability to store data
consisting of the amount of objects and their individual weights.
This instrument can also determine the material of which an object is made of.
This is done by calculating the friction coefficient. This function has the ability to
effectively identify between iron and rubber components irrespective of their mass
or area.