The study evaluated the management practices of small-scale dairy farmers in the NorthEastern
Free State. The sampling area focused on small-scale dairy farmers in the former
self-governing territory of Qwaqwa, as well as parts of the Harrismith, Kestell and Bethlehem
districts where newly settled land-reform beneficiaries are concentrated A total mlmber of
J J 4 farm units were established and 96 black farmers were settled by Agri-Eco.
Small-scale dairy farming in the North-Eastern Free State is mostly practised by black
farmers on communal and state land farms. In the new political dispensation, small-scale
dairy farmers are still "disadvantaged'~ These farmers stnlggle to secure financial assistance
from financing institutions due to vari01lS reasons such as a lack of land temlre or other assets
for security reasons, a lack of reliable marketplaces, poor infrastnlcture, inadequate
production programmes and production experience, (md a lack of technical know-how. The
research found that most of the problems experienced by the farmers were related to the
unresolved land tenure system (communal land), availability of water, working capital, veld
buming, co-operation among farmers (farming group schemes) and extension services to
advise small-scale dairy farmers. Regarding labour, all the small-scale dairy farmers in the
sample made use of human labour due to a lack of the availability of mechanical implements.
Regarding their future as small-scale dairy farmers and their aspirations and needs, farmers
agreed that prerequisites f or success are: knowledge, skills, training and co-operation among
themselves. The study showed that future interventions aimed at improving and strengthening
the sustainability and the livelihoods of the small-scale dairy farmers, ensuring equity and
redUCing economic vulllerability of small-scale dairy projects should take into account a
Ilumber of different factors, which include the follOWing: (i) Government should endeavour to
provide an effective extension service, establishing linkages with formal channels of
marketing, local markets and informal marketing systems, training in farming principles,
finanCial assistance, assistance in obtaining a farm or more land, improving environmenlal
conservation and promoting social infrastnlcture. (ii) Other farmers and neighbours can play a major role in training, providing technical assistance to dairy farmers and providing advice
011 marketing. (iii) Participatory approaches are needed in addressing the problems and the
needs of the smal/-scale dairy farmers, as they al/ow farmers to maintain ful/ authority over
land, natural resources and water management and management decisiollS. The study reveals
that mixed farming should be promoted, since it is unlikely that smal/-scale farmers can make
a living purely from dairying.