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Browsing by Subject "Environment"

Browsing by Subject "Environment"

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  • DAS, Dillip K; EMUZE, Fidelis A (Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation, 2015)
    While rapidity in service activities have strengthened the role of urban areas as engines of economic growth, high population density and increased industrialization, has brought needless social and environmental complaints ...
  • Mokoena, Lehlohonolo Gibson (African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 2019)
    Negative socio-cultural, economic and environmental impacts of tourism continue to be a major concern. This concern has led to the number of initiatives aimed at creating awareness about tourist activities and the overall ...
  • Heyns, Michiel Willem (Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology, Free State, 2016)
    Fly Ash is a by-product at thermal power stations, otherwise known as residues of fine particles that rise with flue gases. Coal is pulverised and blown with air into a boiler’s combustion chamber. Fly Ash is the lighter ...
  • Emuze, Fidelis; Hauptfleisch, Cornel (Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation, 2014)
    Rapidity in urbanization has continued in the past decade despite the realisation that resources are finite. Commerce, migration, employment, industry configuration and population increases are factors that contribute ...
  • FEIKIE, X; DAS, D.; MOSTAFA, M. (36th Southern African Transport Conference (SATC), 2017)
    Initiatives have long been taken to attain sustainable road transportation system across the world, including South Africa. Despite the various initiatives, sustainable road transportation in South African cities remains ...
  • Heyns, Michiel Willem (Central University of Technology, 2021)
    Large quantities of natural materials are traditionally used in road construction, which leads to depletion of non-renewable natural resources. Concurrently, the world faces the problem of management of an increasing ...
  • Ebenebe, P.C.; Shale, K.; Sedibe, M.; Tikilili, P.; Achilonu, M.C. (International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2017)
    South Africa embarks on extensive mining activities, which consequently produce enormous quantities of toxic HMs1 that pollute the surroundings; subjecting the ecosystem to dangers of infections and diseases. Prevalence ...

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